Final Form Presses: Shaping Excellence

Final form presses, also known as blockers, shape your stator end turns into their precise final form, with precision three-dimensional forming on both end turns at once.

Horizontal Final Former 2 ~ 800
Our Process

Our process encompasses expanding ID segments, collapsing OD jaws, and compression rings, enabling precise shaping and optimum efficiency.

Versatile Configurations

AMT offers final form presses in an array of configurations to suit varied needs. Over the years, we have provided:

  • Stand-alone machines with lower tilt-out tooling for easy loading and unloading
  • Linear gravity conveyor presses with automated load and unload
  • Automatic flow through power conveyor presses
  • Horizontal presses for large frame stators, including quick-change tooling
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Elevate Your Production Line

Equip your production process with our state-of-the-art final form presses and witness your stator manufacturing reach new heights of precision and efficiency. Contact AMT today. Let's shape the future together.